Meet the More Than Your Average Creator
More Than Your Average
Meet the Creator
Hello! My name is Mya Price! As a native of Kentucky, I've always had plenty of aspirations throughout my childhood and even today into the journey of my adulthood. I've always been the type of person to go over and beyond and many would call me "the overachiever". They're right! In school, I always strived for perfect attendance, making good grades, and being highly involved all activities. Much of my motivation and achievement has come through much of the inspiration I receive from my mother. Growing up in a single parent household wasn't always easy, but I never allowed that factor to define who I was then and the person I am today. For me, I used that factor as a catalyst for me to continue to grow and become better each and every day.
Much of the lessons, adversity, along with successes has attributed to my motivation and excitement for launching "More Than Your Average". As a young girl, I was always the tallest one in my class, the last student to stand in line for picture day, and typically the heaviest out of my friend group. I've always been a size 14 and have worn it very well I must say. Over the years, I developed a niche for coming out to thrift my clothes, because I wanted to look and feel different than the average joe. I wanted to wear bright clothes and things that you would probably overlook on a rack of clothes. Yes, I was and am "that" girl who shows up in brightly colored clothes with a hug bow on my top. Through dress, I began to become more confident each and every day throughout my high school years and even today in the professional world. I realized that nothing could hinder the items I chose to wear, look, and feel, except me.
The huge turning point in my passion for thrifting and passion, came a couple of years ago when I realized that I could not only make a difference in myself through thrifted fashion, but I could help other plus sized women make a difference in themselves. I've always been a giver and enjoy helping others, so why not start a business that would do just that. "More Than Your Average" really has hit home for me both emotionally and spiritually, because I'm able to do what I love each and everyday. For me, there is no fear in shopping for finds along with helping others style their wardrobes. For me, that is joy within itself and I'm so thrilled that I opened my eyes at a young age to realize my purpose along with discover my passion.
I hope that you will become inspired not only through shopping "More Than Your Average", but through following my personal journey on my blog. We as women can take on the world and look fabulous doing it!